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Pregnancy Chiropractic

Pregnant woman smiling at her belly

We want our bodies to function at as high a level as possible at all times. This becomes even more important during pregnancy. While this can be a beautiful time in a woman’s life, it can also have some major discomforts, annoyances, and pain along the way.

Why Do I Need Chiropractic?

Dr. G tells people that in her opinion, it’s safer to go through pregnancy under chiropractic care than without it. First of all, pregnancy is uncomfortable. A woman’s body undergoes so many changes in such a short amount of time. She needs help adjusting her body to all those changes.

Labor is very stressful on the body. Studies have shown that chiropractic care during pregnancy can lead to a less stressful, and typically quicker labor and delivery that’s a lot easier on the body.

As the only female chiropractor in the area, Dr. G understands how her patients feel, and they feel comfortable sharing their concerns. Once you’ve experienced pregnancy, you just know.

Getting Mom Ready

Adjustment ensures everything is properly aligned and functioning. Moving the pelvis back into position relieves some of the discomfort that accompanies pregnancy. First-time moms tend to be in labor longer than those with prior pregnancies. Better pelvis and spine movement makes the process shorter and less painful. Making sure the mom-to-be is comfortable and pain-free is good for her and the baby.

Conditions and Benefits

Some benefits patients have seen include:

  • Helps maintain good health throughout the pregnancy
  • Relieves back, neck and joint pain from carrying around the extra weight of the baby
  • Gives baby space to move into optimal birthing position
  • Labor and delivery are quicker and less painful—when Mom’s body is in balance, joints and ligaments are relaxed
  • Faster postpartum recovery from the changes in the pelvis

Dr. G uses a combination of techniques to adjust pregnant women, generally Diversified and Logan Basic. Our clinic has special tables to accommodate a mom’s growing belly, and pregnancy pillows for her comfort.

Quality Care for You and Your Baby

Contact Thrive Point Chiropractic to schedule your visit. Experience the difference quality care can make for you and your baby!

Pregnancy Chiropractic Mountain View, Calico Rock, Melbourne AR | (870) 269-8412